Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Ms. K is looking for you!

Do you think outside the box?

Our you tired of the normal classroom atmosphere? Looking for a change?

Are you a Teacher?

Now Hiring

If you think this is you please come to our Hiring Open House. Bring with your most recent resume and a creative mind as we will do activities.

Where:     Ms. K’s Kiddo

When:      4/28/2017

Time:        6pm

R.S.V.P by 4/20/2017 

Parents: Do you know the perfect person to brighten Ms. K's Kiddos. Please send them our way!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Family Fun Night


April 28th @6pm
With the warm weather upon us it is time to start our family fun night once again. Last Spring/Summer we had such a turnout that we are going to try and implement this all year round with accommodations for the weather. This months Family Fun Night theme will be all things spring. We will be watching a movie voted on by all the students. We will be offering picnic dinners outside in the back playground with a movie playing. There will be games and activities to play. We hope you can make this event as it is a great opportunity to socialize with other families and meet all our staff. Please reach out to me or any staff with questions or concerns.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Rules & Regulations

When families put their trust in us to provide their child/ren with a safe educational environment I do not take that for granted. You chose my center above all the others and that means a lot to the staff and myself. I have high standards for my staff and facility to uphold to. There are many laws that a child care center must take into consideration and abide by. These range from the number of staff to child ratio all the way down to the type of food we offer.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Health & Safety

Sick Policy

miss lynn henderson from irving
With flu season among us I would like to talk about when your child should or shouldn't come to class. At Ms. K's we want our children's and staffs health and safety to be our first priority with that being said,  Ms. K's requires a child to be symptom-free for 24 hours before returning to day care. Symptoms typically covered under this rule include:
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Rash
  • Persistent cough
  • A fever over a certain temperature (typically 101.0 F)
  • Obvious contagious conditions, such as head lice or pink eye

State regulations require children to meet the vaccination requirements for them to be enrolled in a public school/daycare facility. Immunizations are given to protect individuals from preventable diseases. You can find a schedule a immunizations here. All our students must meet the immunization requirements for them to start.


Safety is always our number one priority. Each of our classroom have an evacuation and lockdown procedure chart on the wall by the door. Every month we do a practice drill to ensure our staff and students understand these practices. More information can be found here on Kentucky lockdown procedures.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

My Vision
When I started Ms. K's Kiddos 5 years ago I had only dreamed it would have flourished into the center I have today. Being a parent and am educator I think I have a good grasp on what a center should represent and believe in. My vision was for families to have a special bond with my center as we helped their children excel in beginning their education and life journey. I have made sure that all families no matter the background feel comfortable here at Ms. K's. Being a parent of children with special needs, I know how hard it is to find trusting, experienced educators that not only care about your child's education but their safety as well. I can reassure you that my staff all have experience and education working with families and children with special needs.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Introduction to Families

Hello current and future families of Ms. K's Kiddos. I just wanted to reach out to our families and say how grateful we are to all the families and students that attend our enrichment facility. We are honored that you have chosen us to help guide and educate your children as they embark on their journey of exploration and growth. For some of you this can be a hard transition, I want to assure that I know how hard it can be to put trust in someone else to meet your child's needs. Being a parent of six amazing children I have gone through this transition many of times and it never gets easier. I want this transition to be a positive experience for the entire family. We have an open door policy and encourage family involvement as much as possible. We offer a break down of class schedules and monthly activities on our Activities & Schedule page.